Secret society conference on Flat Earth
What an incredible view from up there!
The Magazine
The Conspiracist is a magazine whose issues aim at analyzing a specific conspiracy theory at the time by means of authoritative articles. The name of the magazine derives from a crasis of the words "conspiracy" and "theorist", even though no one among the editors is a conspiracy theorist ( depends on who asks).
Our interest on conspiracies derives from a famous fringe theory called "The PPPP Conspiracy". It is said that many people from around the globe are following a master's degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at the University of Bologna, working on, among other projects, a Website aimed at producing Presentationally Perfect Powerful Publications. The possible outcomes and the real interests of these people are still unknown.
Open your eyes!
Open your eyes!Click on the style-widget to run the time machine and project yourself into another dimension (yes, time machines already exist).
You can choose to display contents with a 1500, 1910, 1950 or 2030 typographic style. For further information about the inspiraional material look at the documentation.
Clicks are time's fuel
change the necessaryto look at thingswith different
Text comparison and metadata analysis
Text comparison and metadata analysis.Each issue-page allows the reader to compare different articles dealing with the same conspiracy. Since metadata and keywords have been already added by the semantic-secret-society, entities and personalized keywords can be added by the user for its own (secret) purpose. Go to the first issue
The dark sources
The dark sources.The texts we present have no mysterious source. Take a look at our disclaimer disclaimer for more information.
The editors' lodge
The editors' lodge.No hooded people, no aliens, and no aim to manipulate human race. Discover the occult power running our editors. : Unveil the secret society